Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Family shoot up in the mountains

With the business of the Summer, I cannot believe I totally forgot to blog these dear friends of mine. About 2 weeks before school was out we headed up to the mountains to try and escape the heat that was beginning in the Vegas valley. To our surprise it was quite chilly up there. The Vegas heat was up at 103 or so and we were thinking it was going to be about 20 degrees cooler up in the mountains, but it was more like 30 degrees cooler, with a wind chill. So, little hands and legs were starting to get cold quick.

However, this family made no big fuss of it and made it super easy for me to work with them. Of course, it totally helps that I know this family well. These dear people are in our small group and over the last year have totally become sweet friends of ours. I'm thankful for them and their cooking ;) LOL! Dennis is an amazing cook! He has cooked sushi for us several times now and all I can say is YUM! Its the best I've ever had. Period.

Anyhow, towards the end of our session, I was able to capture some wild horses that were trotting through the area we were in. What a beautiful site. Wild and free animals. It took my breath away just watching them. They even had a little baby with them which was pretty cool too!

Pamela Ruby is a professional photographer located in Las Vegas, NV.
All images @Pamela Ruby Photography. All rights reserved.