Friday, November 13, 2015

Back out at Nelson's Landing

It had been awhile since I had previously went out to Nelson's Landing for family pictures. For a while, it seemed like that's where everyone wanted to take their pictures and whenever I was there I would see like 15 other photographers.  It was a crazy scene of photographer and well dressed people in the middle of a 1/4 mile ghost town.  But, much to my surprise, we did  not even see one! And a TON of stuff had changed there. The owner are always super nice and they say something changes in their town at least every week. Something new is added to their property all the time. It's pretty cool how much that place has grown. AND really it was so good to be back. We had a fun time walking around the town and checking stuff out. I think this family even stayed longer just so they could do some more exploring after I had left. All and all it was a great day out at Nelson's Landing or aka Eldorado Canyon. ;)


Pamela Ruby is a professional photographer located in Las Vegas, NV.
All images @Pamela Ruby Photography. All rights reserved.